LCFC Club Policy provides that –
1. LCFC players who coach a MiniRoos, Junior or a Senior team throughout the season are entitled to have their own registration fees returned to them at the completion of the football season. This applies where that coach:
- is as a minimum, an FFA Accredited Junior or Grassroots Coach,
- does not play in that team,
- has no child or sibling in that team,
- attends at least 80% of both the games and training sessions,
- is not receiving other financial incentives from LCFC or that team for their coaching.
2. LCFC players who coach a MiniRoos, Junior or Senior team throughout the season, which they play in, or have a child or sibling in that team, are entitled to have 50% of their own registration fees returned to them at the completion of the football season. This applies where that coach:
- is as a minimum, an FFA Accredited Junior or Grassroots Coach,
- attends 80% of both the games and training sessions,
- is not receiving other financial incentives from LCFC or that team for their coaching.
3. Either the registration fees of the eldest child of a LCFC Committee Member or the registration fees of a playing Committee Member, will be returned to the Committee Member at the completion of the season. This requires attendance of at least 75% of committee meetings and a full season of commitment to the Committee.
4. LCFC will reimburse LCFC club coaches who attend FFA, Football NSW or KDSA accredited Coaching courses up to Youth Level, the cost levied by those associations for that licence. Where those coaching qualifications are immediately put to use in coaching a LCFC team reimbursement will occur immediately. Where the coaching qualification is put to use in coaching a LCFC team/squad in the season after attending the course, the reimbursement will be paid at the time of completion of the season.
5. Potential applicants for the above refunds should contact the committee at the commencement of the season.
6. In all cases it is expected that registration payments will be paid prior to commencement of the season. This policy will not relieve club officials of this obligation, nor provide for refunds to be paid in advance.
7. Applications for refunds and reimbursements under this policy, should be made directly to LCFC.
8. LCFC reserves the right to limit the amount that is set aside for the above purposes.
9. LCFC reserves the right to review this policy annually.
Lane Cove Football Club Committee
June 2014