All competition draws are progressing satisfactorily for release no later than Friday 24th March 2017.
An update of each competition stream follows:
Senior Mixed:
The draw is almost complete. We have released the first 2 rounds (April 1st and 2nd & April 8 th and 9th) today and once the remainder of the draw has been checked for errors the rest of the draw will be released early next week. Changes to the dates or start times in the published draw will only be permitted if the club requesting the change has written agreement from the opposition. The Sunday schedule is available on the NSFA website in the Senior Mixed Football Information link in the Football Information tab on the home page.
As the GWFC policy is to look at re-grading if required only the first 7 rounds will be published. Today we are releasing the first 2 rounds (April 2 nd and April 9 th) and the remainder will be released early next week.
Girl's (Under 8 – Under 18):
As per the Women’s draw re-grading will be considered after 7 rounds. The draw for the first 7 rounds will be released early next week.
Junior Mixed (Under 12 – Under 18):
The draw will be released by no later than Friday 24th March. Re-grading will also be considered by the JMFC so only the first 7 rounds will be released next week. The draw for the Under 12 assessment days will be published as a PDF early next week.
Junior Mixed Miniroos (Under 6 to Under 11):
The draw will be released by the middle of next week. 5 rounds will be released and a regrade will be undertaken after the 5th round of matches. A further 5 rounds will then be released.
Women's Over 30 6-a side:
The full draw will be released next week. All matches on a particular Saturday will be played at a single venue.
Welcome to Football Day:
The draw will be published on Monday. A decision on whether the event will go ahead will be made no later than Wednesday.
Wet Weather Effect on Starting Date:
There is a concern that the recent and predicted wet weather may delay the start of the competition. Councils have been unable to fully carry out the changeover from summer sports to winter sports. Trucks cannot go onto any grass field to cover cricket pitches, erect goal posts, mark lines and even mow them. There will be some matches played on the weekend of April 1st and 2nd but there is a very real possibility than not all grounds will be ready.
Contacting the NSFA Office:
We fully appreciate that people need to know where they are playing as soon as possible but producing a draw of this magnitude is a long and time-consuming process. Our main priority is to ensure that the draw is correct before we release it rather than release it early and find errors which need to be corrected. We would respectfully request that if anybody has any questions with the draw that they are addressed through your club who can then pass them on to us, rather than contacting the office directly. The staff are very busy trying to get the draws ready and this is made more difficult if they are answering a lot of phone calls about when the draw will be ready.
Rest assured we are doing everything possible to provide the draws as quickly as possible and we greatly appreciate your patience and understanding.
Damian Miles
Adam Cloughton
Competitions Department